Piano Tuning
Upright Piano
The upright piano is the most common and popular instrument, found in countless private homes as well as schools and music institutes. The tuning of an upright piano takes about half an hour, but don’t forget that the action needs regulating every now and then as well!
Grand Piano
The grand piano (or flygel) came first and from that, the upright piano was developed. That’s why the action of a grand piano is more intricate and precise than that of an upright piano. The length of a grand piano allows for longer strings – which allows for a better tone – and that’s why the grand is the better choice for concerts. The tuning of a grand takes about two hours.
Action Regulating
The action of a piano is made from wood, metal, fabric and leather (new pianos can have carbon fiber parts). The changes in humidity and temperature affect the parts and make them wear and – sometimes very quickly – go out of place. That’s why checking the action and regulating it when needed is very important for the correct function of a piano.
Minor Service Work
Sometimes the working parts of a piano can break. Most of these issues can be repaired where the piano is and it’s not necessary to transport the instrument to a workshop. Very common issues are too tight or loose center pins, loose hammer heads, snapped strings and so on. Nothing to be worried about, it’s all fixable!
Pitch Correction
If it’s been a longer while since the last time the piano was tuned, it can very well be that just a tuning won’t be enough. That’s when a pitch correction is in order. In practice, this means a quick round of tightening the strings. Sometimes a couple of rounds are needed and in some cases a second visit needs to be scheduled to finish the job. All this because the strings “want” to go back to where they were for the past years and they need to be “persuaded” to stay in the new, correct pitch.
Condition Evaluation
Planning on selling Your instrument? Or maybe in the process of buying one? Whichever the case, You’re not sure about the condition of the instrument. That’s when a piano tuner can be of huge help. I will evaluate the condition of the instrument and give You a price estimate. This saves You from a bad purchase and if You’re selling, allows You tell the buyer confidently about the condition of the instrument.